Sunday 23 September 2007

Paris... WOW!

I have to say that Paris was very impressive... the mere size of everything architecturally, and the culture that just wells up from the surroundings... amazing. The pictures I took don't do the city or it's features any justice... but tehy are still nice I think. The whole time I kept thinking I wish Kim was here to enjoy it with me... it's kind of defeats the purpose to be around something so amazing without someone to share it with...

I woke up at noon.... much later than I originally wanted to, but after my long night before, it was needed.

I took the train to the Louvre, and then had lunch right across from it as I admired it's shere enormity... and I wasn't even on the impressive side it turned out.

I went into the Louvre next, and was very impressed by all the artwork that is in there... amazing. However, I will say that after a couple hours of seeing rich aristocratic people in portraits, I grew a little tired of it. Still, you'll see lots of pictures from in there... but again, they do not do it justice.

After the Louvre, I made a trek to the Eiffel Tower... overall I walked non-stop for about 6 hours... good exercise, tired feet. At the Eiffel Tower, I found a little bar alongside the river that had lounge chairs, and good music, that you could just kick back and look up and admire the weather, and the Eiffel Tower's sheer magnitude. Then I took some cheesy pictures of me, and boy do I look tired... yikes!

I ended up the evening just having a quiet dinner and a beer at a pub, before I headed back on the train to my hotel.

Next thing I know, a group of Irishmen are asking me to join them at a pub nearby. They are a fun group, so I join them for a pint... mindful that i need to be on the train back to my hotel before 2:00 am! After one pint, they tell me that it is against the law to enter a pub and only have one pint... so they buy me another. They were a fun group, and definitely a great change to the fairly solitary trip I had had thus far. I managed to catch my train in time, but it was close.

Next... Off to Malaga Spain!

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