Sunday 23 September 2007

Naples... scary

I woke up 4:00 am Thursday morning becaue I could not sleep. Considering I went to bed at midnight, this did not bode well for my day. But none the less, I woke up and did some work, and then headed to the airport with my ride.

The ride to naples was fairly short, and then we had to drive to Cassino to visit the Fiat plant. This place was huge, I was completely amazed at the process I saw going on... cars getting put together step by step... very neat to see. But with 4 hours of sleep, any lull in the day put me to sleep pretty quickly.

We walked around the plant all day, and saw the various elements of the job... then about 5:00 we headed back to Naples. My ride dropped me off at my hotel.

First thing to note... I will never drive in Naples... lanes are optional, and actually the entire road is free game... traffic is crazy. I would never last because I would always be waiting for my turn... but in Naples... you make your turn.... there is no waiting.

Next thing I notice... Naples is a little more run down than Turin... okay, lot... and having my colleagues words in my head "You are not safe at night in Naples" made me think some more.

We pull up to my hotel... and there are 5 policemen on the step... and just as many in the lobby... I'm not sure why, maybe it was the air conditioning, but it did not put my mind at ease.

I stayed in my room pretty much that night, and actually had McDonalds for dinner because nothing else was that available.

Next morning I headed to Paris France...

After finding out that business class (Thanks Microsoft Travel) cuts some lines, I went and purchased some limoncello from the duty free shop to take home (now i have to cart that crap with me everywhere... hoy) Then I got on the plane, and had a nice first class (business seat)... with champagne as soon as I got on the plane YIPPEE!

Then... Monsieur Dorkus sits in front of me... and first thing he does is recline all the way back and starts groping the back of his seat. (see picture) His hands were actually much closer than the picture makes it look... but I did my best. At one point he actually grabbed my head as I was leaning forward reading my book... needless to say, this guy bugged me.

Monsiur Dorkus hand of awkwardness... it later grabbed my head!

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